1. tender [ Synonyms: raw, sensitive, sore] | |
"the tender spot on his jaw";
تکلیف دہ۔ حساس۔ دکھتا ہوا۔ |
2. tender | |
Young and immature
"at a tender age";
بچگانہ۔ |
3. tender [ Synonyms: affectionate, fond, lovesome] | |
Having or displaying warmth or affection
"affectionate children"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance";
شفیق۔ پیار کرنے والا۔ ملنسار۔ مہربان۔ |
4. tender [ Synonyms: crank, cranky, tippy] | |
(used of boats) inclined to heel over easily under sail
5. tender | |
(of plants) not hardy; easily killed by adverse growing condition
"tender green shoots";
6. tender | |
Given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality
"a tender heart"; "a tender smile"; "tender loving care"; "tender memories"; "a tender mother";
محبت بھرا ۔ |
7. tender | |
Easy to cut or chew
"tender beef";
نرم۔ |
8. tender [ Synonyms: untoughened] | |
Physically untoughened
"tender feet";
ملائم۔ |
1. tender [ Synonyms: legal tender, stamp] | |
Something that can be used as an official medium of payment
سکہ رائج الوقت۔ |
2. tender [ Synonyms: attendant, attender] | |
Someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another
خدمت گار۔ |
3. tender [ Synonyms: bid] | |
A formal proposal to buy at a specified price
بولی دینا۔ خاص قیمت پر خریدنے کی پیشکش۔ قیمت لگانا۔ |
4. tender | |
Car attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water
5. tender [ Synonyms: cutter, pinnace, ship's boat] | |
A boat for communication between ship and shore
ایک چہوٹی سمندری کشتی۔ |
6. tender [ Synonyms: supply ship] | |
Ship that usually provides supplies to other ships
1. tender | |
Offer or present for acceptance
پیشکش کرنا۔ |
2. tender [ Synonyms: bid, offer] | |
Propose a payment
"The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting";
بولی دینا۔ پیشکش کرنا۔ |
3. tender | |
Make a tender of; in legal settlements
4. tender [ Synonyms: tenderise, tenderize] | |
Make tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer
"tenderize meat";
نرم اور باذائقہ بنانا جیسے گوشت۔ نرم کرنا۔ |
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