1. bid [ Synonyms: bidding, command, dictation] | |
An authoritative direction or instruction to do something
حکم۔ |
2. bid [ Synonyms: play] | |
An attempt to get something
"they made a futile play for power"; "he made a bid to gain attention";
حاصل کرنے کی کوشش۔ |
3. bid [ Synonyms: tender] | |
A formal proposal to buy at a specified price
بولی دینا۔ خاص قیمت پر خریدنے کی پیشکش۔ قیمت لگانا۔ |
4. bid [ Synonyms: bidding] | |
(bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
1. bid [ Synonyms: offer, tender] | |
Propose a payment
"The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting";
بولی دینا۔ پیشکش کرنا۔ |
2. bid [ Synonyms: wish] | |
Invoke upon
"wish you a nice evening"; "bid farewell";
مانند، نظیر، مثل۔ |
3. bid [ Synonyms: adjure, beseech, conjure, entreat, press] | |
Ask for or request earnestly
"The prophet bid all people to become good persons";
التجا کرنا۔ منت سماجت کرنا۔ |
4. bid [ Synonyms: call] | |
Make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
"He called his trump";
5. bid | |
Make a serious effort to attain something
"His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population";
6. bid [ Synonyms: invite] | |
Ask someone in a friendly way to do something
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