1. gallant | |
Unflinching in battle or action
"a gallant warrior"; "put up a gallant resistance to the attackers";
بہادر۔ |
2. gallant [ Synonyms: dashing] | |
Lively and spirited
"a dashing hero";
جواں مرد۔ |
3. gallant [ Synonyms: lofty, majestic, proud] | |
Having or displaying great dignity or nobility
"a gallant pageant"; "lofty ships"; "majestic cities"; "proud alpine peaks";
قابل قدر۔ |
4. gallant [ Synonyms: chivalrous, knightly] | |
Being attentive to women like an ideal knight
نائٹ کی طرح بہادر۔ جانباز۔ تمیز دار۔۔ |
1. gallant [ Synonyms: beau, clotheshorse, dandy, dude, fashion plate, fop, sheik, swell] | |
A man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance
بن ٹھن کے رہنے والا
۔ اپنے لباس وغیرہ کا خیال رکھنے والا ۔ |
2. gallant [ Synonyms: squire] | |
A man who attends or escorts a woman
عاشق مزاج
۔ دل پھینکنے والا ۔ |
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