1. unstable | |
Highly or violently reactive
"sensitive and highly unstable compounds";
2. unstable [ Synonyms: precarious] | |
Affording no ease or reassurance
"a precarious truce";
غیر مستحکم۔ |
3. unstable [ Synonyms: mentally ill, unsound] | |
Suffering from severe mental illness
"of unsound mind";
ذہنی بیماری۔ ذہنی بیمار۔ |
4. unstable | |
Disposed to psychological variability
"his rather unstable religious convictions";
5. unstable [ Synonyms: fluid] | |
Subject to change; variable
"a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty"; "everything was unstable following the coup";
غیر یقینی۔ دگرگوں۔ |
6. unstable | |
Lacking stability or fixity or firmness
"unstable political conditions"; "the tower proved to be unstable in the high wind"; "an unstable world economy";
غیر مستحکم۔ ناپائدار۔ |
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