1. immature | |
Characteristic of a lack of maturity
"immature behavior";
ناپختہ۔ |
2. immature [ Synonyms: young] | |
(used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth
"young people";
زندگی کے ابتدائی مرحلے میں۔ نابالغ۔ |
3. immature [ Synonyms: green, unripe, unripened] | |
Not fully developed or mature; not ripe
"unripe fruit"; "fried green tomatoes"; "green wood";
کچا ۔ |
4. immature | |
Not yet mature
نابالغ۔ |
5. immature [ Synonyms: unfledged] | |
(of birds) not yet having developed feathers
"a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill";
بے پر کا جیسے پرندہ۔ ناپخت۔ |
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