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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

king crab

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: king crab
1. king crab [ Synonyms: alaska crab, alaska king crab, alaskan king crab]
Meat of large cold-water crab; mainly leg meat
2. king crab [ Synonyms: european spider crab, maja squinado]
A large spider crab of Europe
3. king crab [ Synonyms: alaska crab, alaska king crab, alaskan king crab, paralithodes camtschatica]
Large edible crab of northern Pacific waters especially along the coasts of Alaska and Japan
4. king crab [ Synonyms: horseshoe crab, limulus polyphemus, xiphosurus polyphemus]
Large marine arthropod of the Atlantic coast of North America having a domed carapace that is shaped like a horseshoe and a stiff pointed tail; a living fossil related to the wood louse

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