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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Lodge Urdu meaning
Lodge Urdu meaning
Lodge Urdu meaning
Lodge Urdu meaning

Noun: Lodge
1. Lodge [ Synonyms: sir oliver joseph lodge, sir oliver lodge]
English physicist who studied electromagnetic radiation and was a pioneer of radiotelegraphy (1851-1940)
2. Lodge [ Synonyms: club, gild, guild, order, social club, society]
A formal association of people with similar interests
"he joined a golf club"; "they formed a small lunch society"; "men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today";
ہم خیال لوگوں کی تنظیم۔
3. Lodge
Small house at the entrance to the grounds of a country mansion; usually occupied by a gatekeeper or gardener
4. Lodge [ Synonyms: hunting lodge]
A small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter
عارضی قیام کے لئے ایک چہوٹا مکان۔
5. Lodge [ Synonyms: indian lodge]
Any of various Native American dwellings
6. Lodge [ Synonyms: auberge, hostel, hostelry, inn]
A hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
مسافر خانہ۔
مہمان خانہ۔
Verb: Lodge
1. Lodge
Be a lodger; stay temporarily
"Where are you lodging in Paris?";
عارضی قیام کرنا۔
2. Lodge [ Synonyms: deposit, stick, wedge]
Put, fix, force, or implant
"lodge a bullet in the table"; "stick your thumb in the crack";
3. Lodge [ Synonyms: charge, file]
File a formal charge against
"The suspect was charged with murdering his wife";
الزام لگانا۔
4. Lodge [ Synonyms: accommodate]
Provide housing for
"We are lodging three foreign students this semester";

Lexical Analysis


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