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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: manioc
1. manioc [ Synonyms: cassava, cassava starch, manioca]
A starch made by leaching and drying the root of the cassava plant; the source of tapioca; a staple food in the tropics
سیدھی کھڑی رہنے والی جھاڑی ۔
کسابی ۔
2. manioc [ Synonyms: cassava]
Cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching; source of tapioca
3. manioc [ Synonyms: bitter cassava, gari, mandioc, mandioca, manihot esculenta, manihot utilissima, tapioca plant]
Cassava with long tuberous edible roots and soft brittle stems; used especially to make cassiri (an intoxicating drink) and tapioca
ایک قسم کا پُودا جو کہ نشہ آور مشروب بنانے کے کام آتا ہے۔

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December 22, 2024
- the process of flowing in
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