1. mellow [ Synonyms: laid-back] | |
Unhurried and relaxed
"a mellow conversation";
دھیما۔ |
2. mellow [ Synonyms: mellowed] | |
Having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging
"a mellow port"; "mellowed fruit";
پکا ہوا۔ |
3. mellow [ Synonyms: mellowed] | |
Softened through age or experience
"mellow wisdom"; "the peace of mellow age";
4. mellow [ Synonyms: high] | |
Slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)
1. mellow | |
Soften, make mellow
"Age and experience mellowed him over the years";
شگفتہ۔ |
2. mellow [ Synonyms: mellow out, melt] | |
Become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial
"With age, he mellowed";
نرم مزاج۔ |
3. mellow | |
Make or grow (more) mellow
"These apples need to mellow a bit more"; "The sun mellowed the fruit";
پکانا۔ |
1. mellow [ Synonyms: mellowly] | |
In a mellow manner
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