1. model [ Synonyms: exemplary] | |
Worthy of imitation
"exemplary behavior"; "model citizens";
1. model [ Synonyms: framework, theoretical account] | |
A hypothetical description of a complex entity or process
"the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems";
2. model | |
A type of product
"his car was an old model";
قسم۔ |
3. model [ Synonyms: poser] | |
A person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor
"the president didn't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos";
انداز پیش کرنے والا۔ نمائش کرنے والا۔ |
4. model [ Synonyms: simulation] | |
Representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale)
نمونہ۔ |
5. model [ Synonyms: example, exemplar, good example] | |
Something to be imitated
"an exemplar of success"; "a model of clarity"; "he is the very model of a modern major general";
مثالی۔ |
6. model [ Synonyms: role model] | |
Someone worthy of imitation
"every child needs a role model";
کوئی شخص جو مثال یا نمونے کے لئے پیش کیا جائے۔ |
7. model [ Synonyms: example] | |
A representative form or pattern
"I profited from his example";
8. model [ Synonyms: fashion model, manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin] | |
A woman who wears clothes to display fashions
"she was too fat to be a mannequin";
فیشن دکھانے کے لئے کپڑے پہنے والی عورت۔ |
9. model [ Synonyms: modeling, modelling] | |
The act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale)
1. model [ Synonyms: pattern] | |
Plan or create according to a model or models
2. model [ Synonyms: mold, mould] | |
Form in clay, wax, etc
"model a head with clay";
3. model [ Synonyms: pose, posture, sit] | |
Assume a posture as for artistic purposes
"We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often";
4. model | |
Display (clothes) as a mannequin
"model the latest fashion";
5. model [ Synonyms: simulate] | |
Create a representation or model of
"The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights";
6. model [ Synonyms: mock up] | |
Construct a model of
"model an airplane";
ایک ماڈل کی تعمیر۔ |
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