1. nerve [ Synonyms: nervus] | |
Any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body
2. nerve [ Synonyms: heart, mettle, spunk] | |
The courage to carry on
"he kept fighting on pure spunk"; "you haven't got the heart for baseball";
تپڑ۔ جذبہ۔ جرت۔ مزاج۔ ہمت۔ |
3. nerve [ Synonyms: boldness, brass, cheek, face] | |
Impudent aggressiveness
"I couldn't believe her boldness"; "he had the effrontery to question my honesty";
بد تمیزی
۔ بے ادبی ۔ گستاخی ۔ |
1. nerve [ Synonyms: steel] | |
Get ready for something difficult or unpleasant
Fertilizer Distributor and Shop Software The software is designed for a business dealing in fertilizers. Purcha ... Read more