1. outrage [ Synonyms: indignation] | |
A feeling of righteous anger
شدید غصہ۔ |
2. outrage | |
A wantonly cruel act
زیادتی ، زبردستی ، ناجائز دست اندازی ، بے حُرمتی ۔ سخت ظلم کرنا ۔ پامالی کرنا ۔۔ |
3. outrage [ Synonyms: scandal] | |
A disgraceful event
شرمناک ۔ بے حرمتی ۔۔ |
4. outrage [ Synonyms: scandalisation, scandalization] | |
The act of scandalizing
1. outrage [ Synonyms: appal, appall, offend, scandalise, scandalize, shock] | |
Strike with disgust or revulsion
"The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends";
رسوا کرنا۔ |
2. outrage [ Synonyms: desecrate, profane, violate] | |
Violate the sacred character of a place or language
"desecrate a cemetery"; "violate the sanctity of the church"; "profane the name of God";
بے حرمتی کرنا۔ |
3. outrage [ Synonyms: assault, dishonor, dishonour, rape, ravish, violate] | |
Force (someone) to have sex against their will
"The woman was raped on her way home at night";
زیادتی کرنا، عصمت دری کرنا'عزت لُوٹ لینا۔ |
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