1. penetration [ Synonyms: incursion] | |
An attack that penetrates into enemy territory
2. penetration [ Synonyms: insight] | |
Clear or deep perception of a situation
بصیرت۔ |
3. penetration | |
The act of entering into or through something
"the penetration of upper management by women";
داخل ہونے کا عمل۔ آر پار داخل ہونے کا عمل۔ |
4. penetration | |
The ability to make way into or through something
"the greater penetration of the new projectiles will result in greater injuries";
5. penetration | |
The depth to which something penetrates (especially the depth reached by a projectile that hits a target)
6. penetration | |
The act (by a man) of inserting his penis into the vagina of a woman
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