1. foray [ Synonyms: maraud, raid] | |
A sudden short attack
حملہ کرنا۔ اچانک حملہ۔ چھاپا۔ |
2. foray | |
An initial attempt (especially outside your usual areas of competence)
"scientists' forays into politics";
1. foray [ Synonyms: despoil, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, reave, rifle, strip] | |
Steal goods; take as spoils
"During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners";
لوٹنا۔ لوٹ لینا۔ چوری کرنا۔ چھیننا۔ چھین لینا۔ چیزیں چوری کرنا۔ |
2. foray | |
Briefly enter enemy territory
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