1. percolate | |
The product of percolation
1. percolate [ Synonyms: leach] | |
Permeate or penetrate gradually
"the fertilizer leached into the ground";
جذب ہونا۔ |
2. percolate | |
Spread gradually
"Light percolated into our house in the morning";
آہستہ آہستہ پھیلانا۔ |
3. percolate | |
Prepare in a percolator
"percolate coffee";
کافی دان میں بنانا۔ |
4. percolate | |
Cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance in order to extract a soluble constituent
چھاننا۔ |
5. percolate [ Synonyms: filter, permeate, sink in] | |
Pass through
"Water permeates sand easily";
سہنا۔ کسی تجربے سے گزرنا۔ گزرنا۔ |
6. percolate [ Synonyms: gain vigor, perk, perk up, pick up] | |
Gain or regain energy
"I picked up after a nap";
چست ہونا ۔ |
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