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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
periwinkle Urdu meaning
periwinkle Urdu meaning

Noun: periwinkle
1. periwinkle
Chiefly trailing poisonous plants with blue flowers
2. periwinkle [ Synonyms: cape periwinkle, catharanthus roseus, cayenne jasmine, madagascar periwinkle, old maid, red periwinkle, rose periwinkle, vinca rosea]
Commonly cultivated Old World woody herb having large pinkish to red flowers
عام طور پر اُگائے جانے والی قدیم زمانے کی جڑی بوٹی جس پر لال گُلابی پھول کھلتے ہیں۔
3. periwinkle [ Synonyms: winkle]
Small edible marine snail; steamed in wine or baked
خوردنی گھونگا۔
4. periwinkle [ Synonyms: winkle]
Edible marine gastropod

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December 22, 2024
- migratory grasshoppers of warm regions having short antennae
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