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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: suffrutex
1. suffrutex [ Synonyms: subshrub]
Low-growing woody shrub or perennial with woody base
جھڑ بوٹی۔

Lexical Analysis

Specific Words:
aeonium haworthii, american feverfew, american spikenard, amsonia tabernaemontana, aralia hispida, aralia nudicaulis, aralia racemosa, argyranthemum frutescens, avens, babies' slippers, bacon and eggs, bastard pimpernel, beach heather, beggar lice, beggar's lice, beggar's-ticks, beggar-ticks, bird's foot clover, bird's foot trefoil, bloodleaf, blue curls, blue star, bristly sarsaparilla, bristly sarsparilla, bur marigold, burdock, burr marigold, california tree poppy, caltrop, cassia fasciculata, cassia tora, centaury, chaffweed, chamaecrista fasciculata, chrysanthemum frutescens, cleome pinnata, clotbur, compass plant, coral gem, corchorus, cube, darling pea, deer grass, desert plume, devil's weed, diapensia, dryas octopetala, dwarf elder, eringo, eriogonum, eryngo, false heather, false pimpernel, false sarsaparilla, french honeysuckle, germander, golden heather, guayule, hedysarum boreale, hedysarum coronarium, hippocrepis comosa, hoary pea, horseshoe vetch, hudsonia ericoides, hudsonia tomentosa, indian beet, jerusalem sage, kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, life-of-man, linnaea borealis, loosestrife, lotus americanus, lotus berthelotii, lotus corniculatus, lupinus perennis, marguerite, marguerite daisy, marsh rosemary, matchbush, matchweed, matilija poppy, meadow beauty, milkwort, mountain avens, old-maid's bonnet, ononis repens, ononis spinosa, pachysandra, paris daisy, parthenium argentatum, parthenium integrifolium, partridge pea, periwinkle, petty morel, phlomis, phlomis fruticosa, pinwheel, poison bush, polygonum orientale, poverty grass, prairie bird's-foot trefoil, prairie dock, prairie lotus, prairie trefoil, prince's-feather, prince's-plume, princess feather, prunus besseyi, rest-harrow, restharrow, rocky mountains cherry, romneya coulteri, sage brush, sagebrush, sea lavender, senna obtusifolia, sensitive pea, sicklepod, st john's wort, stanleya pinnata, statice, sticktight, sulla, sundial lupine, sweet vetch, thrift, tick trefoil, tribulus terestris, twinflower, western sand cherry, wild lupine, wild quinine, wild sarsaparilla, wild sarsparilla, wild sensitive plant, woodruff, wormwood

Generic Words:

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- ludicrously odd
عجیب و غریب ,مضحکہ خیز ,ہنسنے کے لائق
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