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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

put off

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: put off
1. put off [ Synonyms: defer, hold over, postpone, prorogue, put over, remit, set back, shelve, table]
Hold back to a later time
"let's postpone the exam";
2. put off [ Synonyms: turn off]
Cause to feel intense dislike or distaste
3. put off [ Synonyms: dishearten]
Take away the enthusiasm of
دل شکنی کرنا۔
ناامید کرنا۔
ہمت توڑنا۔
4. put off [ Synonyms: confuse, disconcert, flurry]
Cause to feel embarrassment
"The constant attention of the young man confused her";
پریشان کرنا۔
5. put off [ Synonyms: circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fudge, hedge, parry, sidestep, skirt]
Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
"He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully";
کسی طرح سے ٹال دینا۔
گول کرنا۔
چکمہ دینا۔

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March 27, 2025
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