1. skirt | |
Cloth covering that forms the part of a garment below the waist
اسکرٹ۔ کمر سے نیچے کا زنانہ لباس۔ |
2. skirt | |
A garment hanging from the waist; worn mainly by girls and women
3. skirt [ Synonyms: annulus] | |
(Fungi) a remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the stem like a collar
4. skirt [ Synonyms: bird, chick, dame, doll, wench] | |
Informal terms for a (young) woman
۔ چہوکری ۔ |
1. skirt [ Synonyms: circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fudge, hedge, parry, put off, sidestep] | |
Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
"He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully";
کسی طرح سے ٹال دینا۔ گول کرنا۔ چکمہ دینا۔ |
2. skirt | |
Pass around or about; move along the border
"The boat skirted the coast";
3. skirt | |
Form the edge of
4. skirt [ Synonyms: border, environ, ring, surround] | |
Extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle
"The forest surrounds my property";
احاطہ کرنا۔ گھرا ہوا۔ گھرا ہونا۔ گھیرنا۔ |
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