1. border [ Synonyms: borderline, boundary line, delimitation, mete] | |
A line that indicates a boundary
سرحدی لکیر۔ سرحد کی لکیر۔ سرحد کی نشاندہی۔ حد بندی۔ حد کی لکیر۔ حاشیہ۔ خط حدود۔ |
2. border [ Synonyms: margin, perimeter] | |
The boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
3. border [ Synonyms: edge] | |
The boundary of a surface
سرحد۔ کنارا۔ |
4. border [ Synonyms: molding, moulding] | |
A decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge
5. border | |
A strip forming the outer edge of something
"the rug had a wide blue border";
کنارا۔ |
1. border [ Synonyms: environ, ring, skirt, surround] | |
Extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle
"The forest surrounds my property";
احاطہ کرنا۔ گھرا ہوا۔ گھرا ہونا۔ گھیرنا۔ |
2. border [ Synonyms: bound] | |
Form the boundary of; be contiguous to
3. border [ Synonyms: frame, frame in] | |
Enclose in or as if in a frame
"frame a picture";
4. border [ Synonyms: edge] | |
Provide with a border or edge
"edge the tablecloth with embroidery";
5. border [ Synonyms: abut, adjoin, butt, butt against, butt on, edge, march] | |
Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary
"Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland";
سامنے ہونا۔ برابر میں۔ متصل ہونا۔ ملا ہوا ہونا۔ |
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