1. reader | |
A person who enjoys reading
2. reader [ Synonyms: subscriber] | |
Someone who contracts to receive and pay for a service or a certain number of issues of a publication
دستخط کرنے والا۔ استعمال کنندہ۔ |
3. reader | |
A person who can read; a literate person
4. reader [ Synonyms: referee, reviewer] | |
Someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication
جائزہ لینے والا۔ فلم۔ ڈرامے۔ |
5. reader [ Synonyms: proofreader] | |
Someone who reads proof in order to find errors and mark corrections
پروف پڑھنے والا۔ |
6. reader [ Synonyms: lector] | |
Someone who reads the lessons in a church service; someone ordained in a minor order of the Roman Catholic Church
7. reader [ Synonyms: lector, lecturer] | |
A public lecturer at certain universities
خصوصاً اعلیٰ تعلیمی درسگاہوں میں درس دینے والا۔ |
8. reader | |
One of a series of texts for students learning to read
School Software with Accounts Web based school management software with accounts and SMS integration ... Read more