1. reward [ Synonyms: payoff, wages] | |
A recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing
"the wages of sin is death"; "virtue is its own reward";
صلہ دینا۔ بدلہ۔ انعام۔ |
2. reward | |
Payment made in return for a service rendered
جزا دینا۔ |
3. reward [ Synonyms: reinforcement] | |
An act performed to strengthen approved behavior
4. reward | |
The offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property
5. reward [ Synonyms: advantage] | |
Benefit resulting from some event or action
"it turned out to my advantage"; "reaping the rewards of generosity";
فائدہ۔ |
1. reward [ Synonyms: honor, honour] | |
Bestow honor or rewards upon
"Today we honor our soldiers"; "The scout was rewarded for courageous action";
2. reward [ Synonyms: reinforce] | |
Strengthen and support with rewards
"Let's reinforce good behavior";
طاقت بڑھانا۔ مضبوط کرنا۔ |
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