1. ruin [ Synonyms: ruination] | |
An irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction
"you have brought ruin on this entire family";
بربادی۔ تباہی۔ تباہ کر دینے کا عمل۔ پامالی۔ |
2. ruin | |
A ruined building
"they explored several Roman ruins";
3. ruin [ Synonyms: dilapidation] | |
The process of becoming dilapidated
4. ruin [ Synonyms: ruination] | |
An event that results in destruction
تباہی۔ |
5. ruin [ Synonyms: downfall, ruination] | |
Failure that results in a loss of position or reputation
6. ruin [ Synonyms: laying waste, ruination, ruining, wrecking] | |
Destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
1. ruin [ Synonyms: destroy] | |
Destroy completely; damage irreparably
"You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!"; "The tears ruined her make-up";
خراب ہونا۔ مکمل تباہ۔ نقصان ہونا۔ |
2. ruin | |
Destroy or cause to fail
"This behavior will ruin your chances of winning the election";
3. ruin [ Synonyms: bankrupt, break, smash] | |
Reduce to bankruptcy
"My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!"; "The slump in the financial markets smashed him";
دیوالیہ کر نا۔ قرضدار بنادینا۔ مقروض کرنا۔ |
4. ruin | |
Reduce to ruins
"The country lay ruined after the war";
5. ruin [ Synonyms: deflower] | |
Deprive of virginity
"This dirty old man deflowered several young girls in the village";
6. ruin | |
Fall into ruin
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