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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: scallop
1. scallop [ Synonyms: crenation, crenature, crenel, crenelle]
One of a series of rounded projections (or the notches between them) formed by curves along an edge (as the edge of a leaf or piece of cloth or the margin of a shell or a shriveled red blood cell observed in a hypertonic solution etc.)
کنگرہ فصیل۔
2. scallop [ Synonyms: escallop, scollop]
Edible muscle of mollusks having fan-shaped shells; served broiled or poached or in salads or cream sauces
3. scallop [ Synonyms: cutlet, escallop, scollop]
Thin slice of meat (especially veal) usually fried or broiled
گوشت کا تلا ہوا ٹکڑا۔
4. scallop [ Synonyms: escallop, scollop]
Edible marine bivalve having a fluted fan-shaped shell that swim by expelling water from the shell in a series of snapping motions
Verb: scallop
1. scallop
Decorate an edge with scallops
"the dress had a scalloped skirt";
2. scallop [ Synonyms: escallop]
Bake in a sauce, milk, etc., often with breadcrumbs on top
3. scallop [ Synonyms: scollop]
Form scallops in
"scallop the meat";
4. scallop [ Synonyms: scollop]
Fish for scallops
5. scallop [ Synonyms: scollop]
Shape or cut in scallops
"scallop the hem of the dress";

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December 22, 2024
- separated or at a distance in place or position or time
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