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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: seesaw
1. seesaw [ Synonyms: dandle board, teeter, teeter-totter, teeterboard, teetertotter, tilting board]
A plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum; the board is ridden up and down by children at either end
جہول تختے پر جہولنا۔
اونچ نیچ والا تختہ۔
ایک جھولا۔
Verb: seesaw
1. seesaw [ Synonyms: teeter-totter, teetertotter]
Ride on a plank
2. seesaw
Move up and down as if on a seesaw
3. seesaw [ Synonyms: teeter, totter]
Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion

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