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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

shut up

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: shut up
1. shut up [ Synonyms: pent]
Closely confined
اندر بند کیا ہوا۔
چھپایا ہوا۔
Verb: shut up
1. shut up [ Synonyms: be quiet, belt up, button up, clam up, close up, dummy up, keep mum]
Refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent
"The children shut up when their father approached";
بات کرنے سے انکار کر دینا یا خا موشی اختیار کر لینا۔
2. shut up [ Synonyms: lock, lock away, lock in, lock up, put away, shut away]
Place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape
"The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe";
بند کرنا۔
3. shut up [ Synonyms: hush, hush up, quieten, silence, still]
Cause to be quiet or not talk
"Please silence the children in the church!";
زبان بند کرانا۔
خاموش کرانا۔
چپ کرانا۔

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December 22, 2024
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شور,دنگے بازی,افراتفری,ہنگامہ,ہنگامہ خیزی
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