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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: hush
1. hush [ Synonyms: still, stillness]
(poetic) tranquil silence
"the still of the night";
Verb: hush
1. hush
Become quiet or still; fall silent
"hush my baby!";
خاموش کرنا ۔
چپ کرانا ۔
2. hush [ Synonyms: hush up, quieten, shut up, silence, still]
Cause to be quiet or not talk
"Please silence the children in the church!";
زبان بند کرانا۔
خاموش کرانا۔
چپ کرانا۔
3. hush [ Synonyms: pipe down, quiesce, quiet, quiet down, quieten]
Become quiet or quieter
"The audience fell silent when the speaker entered";
خاموش ہونا۔
4. hush
Wash by removing particles
"Wash ores";
5. hush
Run water over the ground to erode (soil), revealing the underlying strata and valuable minerals

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مناسب جگہ
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