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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: smack
1. smack [ Synonyms: slap]
A blow from a flat object (as an open hand)
طمانچہ ۔
تھپڑ ۔
چانٹا ۔
چماٹ ۔
2. smack [ Synonyms: flavor, flavour, nip, relish, sapidity, savor, savour, tang]
The taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
چٹخارہ ۔
3. smack
A sailing ship (usually rigged like a sloop or cutter) used in fishing and sailing along the coast
4. smack [ Synonyms: big h, hell dust, nose drops, scag, skag, thunder]
Street names for heroin
افیون کا بازاری نام ۔
5. smack [ Synonyms: smooch]
An enthusiastic kiss
6. smack [ Synonyms: slap, smacking]
The act of smacking something; a blow delivered with an open hand
طمانچہ مارنے کا عمل۔
Verb: smack
1. smack [ Synonyms: thwack]
Deliver a hard blow to
"The teacher smacked the student who had misbehaved";
تھپڑ مارنا ۔
چماٹ مارنا ۔
2. smack [ Synonyms: reek, smell]
Have an element suggestive (of something)
"his speeches smacked of racism"; "this passage smells of plagiarism";
3. smack [ Synonyms: taste]
Have a distinctive or characteristic taste
"This tastes of nutmeg";
4. smack [ Synonyms: peck]
Kiss lightly
بوسہ لینا۔
5. smack
Press (the lips) together and open (the lips) noisily, as in eating
چپڑ چپڑ کھانا۔
Adverb: smack
1. smack [ Synonyms: bang, bolt, slap, slapdash]
"he ran bang into the pole"; "ran slap into her";

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December 22, 2024
- money collected under a tariff
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