1. sorrow | |
An emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement
"he tried to express his sorrow at her loss";
غم۔ ناامیدی۔ |
2. sorrow [ Synonyms: regret, rue, ruefulness] | |
Sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment
"he drank to drown his sorrows"; "he wrote a note expressing his regret"; "to his rue, the error cost him the game";
۔ پشیمانی ۔ پچھتاوا ۔ ندامت ۔ |
3. sorrow [ Synonyms: grief] | |
Something that causes great unhappiness
"her death was a great grief to John";
دکھ ہونا۔ افسوس ہونا۔ |
4. sorrow [ Synonyms: sadness, sorrowfulness] | |
The state of being sad
"she tired of his perpetual sadness";
۔ اداسی ۔ افسردگی۔ |
1. sorrow [ Synonyms: grieve] | |
Feel grief
رنجیدہ ہونا۔ صدمہ۔ دکھ پہنچنا۔ |
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