1. stand up | |
Refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack
2. stand up [ Synonyms: place upright, stand] | |
Put into an upright position
"Can you stand the bookshelf up?";
اٹھانا۔ |
3. stand up [ Synonyms: stand] | |
Be standing; be upright
"We had to stand for the entire performance!";
کھڑا رہنا۔ |
4. stand up [ Synonyms: stick up] | |
Defend against attack or criticism
"He stood up for his friend"; "She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of harassing the student";
نُکتہ چینی کے خِلاف کسی کا ساتھ دینا ۔۔ |
5. stand up [ Synonyms: hold up, hold water] | |
Resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.
"Her shoes won't hold up"; "This theory won't hold water";
6. stand up [ Synonyms: bristle, uprise] | |
Rise up as in fear
"The dog's fur bristled"; "It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!";
خوف کے باعث کھڑے ہوجانا ۔ |
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