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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Verb Forms: (stud, studded, studding)

Noun: stud
1. stud [ Synonyms: he-man, macho-man]
A man who is virile and sexually active
2. stud [ Synonyms: rivet]
Ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt)
3. stud [ Synonyms: scantling]
An upright in house framing
لکڑی کا چھوٹا سا ٹکڑا جس کی چوڑائی اور موٹائی ۵ انچ سے کم ہو۔
4. stud [ Synonyms: studhorse]
Adult male horse kept for breeding
نسل افزا گہوڑا۔
5. stud [ Synonyms: stud poker]
Poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt
Verb: stud
1. stud [ Synonyms: constellate, dot]
Scatter or intersperse like dots or studs
"Hills constellated with lights";
2. stud
Provide with or construct with studs
"stud the wall";

Lexical Analysis

Derived Words:

Stud is a part of:

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December 22, 2024
- a device (generally used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together
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