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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: syndicate
1. syndicate [ Synonyms: crime syndicate, family, mob]
A loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities
ہلکا پھلکا تعلق۔
2. syndicate [ Synonyms: consortium, pool]
An association of companies for some definite purpose
تجارتی اداروں کی تنظیم۔
کمپنیوں کی جماعت۔
3. syndicate
A news agency that sells features or articles or photographs etc. to newspapers for simultaneous publication
خبریں پیچنے والا ادارہ۔
Verb: syndicate
1. syndicate
Join together into a syndicate
"The banks syndicated";
تعلق قائم کرنا۔
2. syndicate
Organize into or form a syndicate
مربوط ہونا۔
3. syndicate
Sell articles, television programs, or photos to several publications or independent broadcasting stations

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- characteristic of a mob; disorderly or lawless
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