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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
tickle Urdu meaning
tickle Urdu meaning
tickle Urdu meaning
tickle Urdu meaning

Noun: tickle
1. tickle
A cutaneous sensation often resulting from light stroking
گدگدی ۔
2. tickle [ Synonyms: tickling, titillation]
The act of tickling
گدگدی کرنے کا عمل ۔
Verb: tickle
1. tickle [ Synonyms: titillate, vellicate]
Touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements
گدگدی کرنا ۔
2. tickle [ Synonyms: thrill, vibrate]
Feel sudden intense sensation or emotion
"he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine";
3. tickle
Touch or stroke lightly
"The grass tickled her calves";

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