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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: tint
1. tint [ Synonyms: shade, tincture, tone]
A quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color
"after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted";
رنگ کا شیڈ۔
کسی رنگ کا کوئی روپ۔
2. tint [ Synonyms: hair coloring, hair dye]
A dye for coloring the hair
3. tint [ Synonyms: hint, suggestion, trace]
A just detectable amount
"he speaks French with a trace of an accent"; "a hint mockery in her manner"; "a tint of glamour";
Verb: tint
1. tint [ Synonyms: tinct, tinge, touch]
Color lightly
"her greying hair was tinged blond"; "the leaves were tinged red in November";
پر لطف۔
ہلکا رنگ کرنا۔

Word of the day

December 03, 2024
- call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
ظاہر کرنا,غصہ دلانا,ابھارنا,للکارنا
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