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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: voluntary
1. voluntary [ Synonyms: military volunteer, volunteer]
(military) a person who freely enlists for service
رضاکارنہ طور پر فوج میں بھرتی ہونے والا۔
2. voluntary
Composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performance
Adjective: voluntary
1. voluntary
Of your own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelled
"man is a voluntary agent"; "participation was voluntary"; "voluntary manslaughter"; "voluntary generosity in times of disaster"; "voluntary social workers"; "a voluntary confession";
رضاکارنہ طور پر ۔
آزادی کے ساتھ ۔
2. voluntary
Controlled by individual volition
"voluntary motions"; "voluntary muscles";

Lexical Analysis

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December 22, 2024
- short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature
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