1. watch [ Synonyms: ticker] | |
A small portable timepiece
گھڑی ۔ |
2. watch [ Synonyms: vigil] | |
A purposeful surveillance to guard or observe
3. watch | |
The period during which someone (especially a guard) is on duty
وہ وقت جس میں چوکیدار وغیرہ کام پر ہوں۔ |
4. watch [ Synonyms: lookout, lookout man, picket, scout, sentinel, sentry, spotter] | |
A person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
رکہوالا۔ تحقیق کرنے والا۔ پہرے دار۔ پہرہ دینا۔ محافظ۔ نگران شخص۔ |
5. watch [ Synonyms: vigil] | |
The rite of staying awake for devotional purposes (especially on the eve of a religious festival)
شَب بیداری ، عبادت شب ، سونے کی فِطری اوقات میں کِسی غرض سے جاگنا ،۔ |
1. watch | |
Look attentively
"watch a basketball game";
توجہ سے دیکھنا۔ |
2. watch [ Synonyms: follow, keep an eye on, observe, watch over] | |
Follow with the eyes or the mind
"Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars";
دیکھنا۔ نظروں میں رکھنا۔ نظر رکھنا۔ نظر اور دھان سے کسی کا تعاقب کرنا۔ |
3. watch [ Synonyms: catch, see, take in, view] | |
See or watch
"view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie";
دیکھنا۔ |
4. watch [ Synonyms: look on] | |
Observe with attention
"They watched as the murderer was executed";
غور کرنا۔ دیکھنا۔ |
5. watch [ Synonyms: look out, watch out] | |
Be vigilant, be on the lookout or be careful
"Watch out for pickpockets!";
ہشیار رہنا۔ خبردار رہنا۔ |
6. watch | |
Observe or determine by looking
"Watch how the dog chases the cats away";
7. watch [ Synonyms: ascertain, check, determine, find out, learn, see] | |
Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
"I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See whether it works"; "find out if he speaks Russian"; "Check whether the train leaves on time";
سیکھنا۔ جاننا۔ معلوم کرنا۔ |
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