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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

work out

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: work out
1. work out [ Synonyms: work up]
Come up with
"His colleagues worked out his interesting idea"; "We worked up an ad for our client";
2. work out
Happen in a certain way, leading to, producing, or resulting in a certain outcome, often well
"Things worked out in an interesting way"; "Not everything worked out in the end and we were disappointed";
3. work out [ Synonyms: elaborate]
Work out in detail
"elaborate a plan";
تیار کرنا۔
4. work out [ Synonyms: exercise]
Do physical exercise
"She works out in the gym every day";
جسمانی ورزش کرنا ۔
5. work out
Be calculated
"The fees work out to less than $1,000";
6. work out [ Synonyms: calculate, cipher, compute, cypher, figure, reckon]
Make a mathematical calculation or computation
شمار کرنا۔
حساب کرنا۔
7. work out [ Synonyms: figure out, lick, puzzle out, solve, work]
Find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of
"did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"; "He could not work the math problem";
گتھی کھولنا ۔
پہیلی بوجھنا ۔
کِسی راز کی وضاحَت کرنا۔
8. work out [ Synonyms: exercise, work]
Give a workout to
"Some parents exercise their infants"; "My personal trainer works me hard"; "work one's muscles"; "this puzzle will exercise your mind";

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