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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
ride Urdu meaning
ride Urdu meaning
ride Urdu meaning
ride Urdu meaning
ride Urdu meaning
Verb Forms: (ride, ridden, rode)

Noun: ride
1. ride [ Synonyms: drive]
A journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
"he took the family for a drive in his new car";
سواری کرنا۔
سوار ہونا۔
گاڑی کا سفر۔
2. ride
A mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement
Verb: ride
1. ride [ Synonyms: sit]
Sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions
"She never sat a horse!"; "Did you ever ride a camel?"; "The girl liked to drive the young mare";
کسی جانور کی پشت پر سوار ہو کر جانا۔
کسی چیز پر بیٹھ کر سفر کرنا۔
2. ride
Be carried or travel on or in a vehicle
"I ride to work in a bus"; "He rides the subway downtown every day";
3. ride
Continue undisturbed and without interference
"Let it ride";
4. ride
Move like a floating object
"The moon rode high in the night sky";
5. ride [ Synonyms: bait, cod, rag, rally, razz, tantalise, tantalize, taunt, tease, twit]
Harass with persistent criticism or carping
"The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie";
طعنہ دینا ۔
طنز کرنا ۔
6. ride
Be sustained or supported or borne
"His glasses rode high on his nose"; "The child rode on his mother's hips"; "She rode a wave of popularity"; "The brothers rode to an easy victory on their father's political name";
7. ride [ Synonyms: drive]
Have certain properties when driven
"This car rides smoothly"; "My new truck drives well";
8. ride [ Synonyms: depend on, depend upon, devolve on, hinge on, hinge upon, turn on]
Be contingent on
"The outcomes rides on the results of the election"; "Your grade will depends on your homework";
غیر یقینی صُورت حال میں ہونا۔
9. ride
Lie moored or anchored
"Ship rides at anchor";
10. ride
Sit on and control a vehicle
"He rides his bicycle to work every day"; "She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town";
11. ride
Climb up on the body
"Shorts that ride up"; "This skirt keeps riding up my legs";
12. ride
Ride over, along, or through
"Ride the freeways of California";
13. ride
Keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot
"Don't ride the clutch!";
14. ride [ Synonyms: mount]
Copulate with
"The bull was riding the cow";
جنسی خواہش کے لئے چڑھائی کرنا۔

Lexical Analysis


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