1. blend | |
An occurrence of thorough mixing
پھینٹ۔ |
2. blend [ Synonyms: portmanteau, portmanteau word] | |
A new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings
"`smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog'"; "`motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor' and `hotel'"; "`brunch' is a well-known portmanteau";
ایسا لفظ جو دو لفظوں سے بنایا جاۓ اور دونوں کے معنی دے ۔۔ |
3. blend [ Synonyms: blending] | |
The act of blending components together thoroughly
ملانا۔ |
1. blend [ Synonyms: immingle, intermingle, intermix] | |
Combine into one
"blend the nuts and raisins together"; "he blends in with the crowd"; "We don't intermingle much";
باہم جوڑنا
۔ آپس میں ملانا ۔ ملانا ۔ |
2. blend [ Synonyms: blend in, go] | |
Blend or harmonize
"This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs";
ملنا۔ |
3. blend [ Synonyms: coalesce, combine, commingle, conflate, flux, fuse, immix, meld, merge, mix] | |
Mix together different elements
"The colors blend well";
پھینٹنا۔ ملانا۔ ملنا۔ |
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