1. fuse [ Synonyms: electrical fuse, safety fuse] | |
An electrical device that can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded
فتیلہ۔ کو قابو کرنے والا۔ |
2. fuse [ Synonyms: fusee, fuze, fuzee, primer, priming] | |
Any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant
1. fuse [ Synonyms: blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, conflate, flux, immix, meld, merge, mix] | |
Mix together different elements
"The colors blend well";
پھینٹنا۔ ملانا۔ ملنا۔ |
2. fuse | |
Become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat
"The substances fused at a very high temperature";
زیادہ حرارت سے پگھلنا۔ |
3. fuse | |
Equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse
4. fuse | |
Make liquid or plastic by heating
"The storm fused the electric mains";
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