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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: dope
1. dope [ Synonyms: gage, grass, green goddess, locoweed, mary jane, pot, sens, sess, skunk, smoke, weed]
Street names for marijuana
بھنگ(نشا آور چیز )کے علاقائی نام۔
2. dope [ Synonyms: boob, booby, dumbbell, dummy, pinhead]
An ignorant or foolish person
سادہ لوح آدمی ۔احمق ۔ گاودی۔بیوقوف ۔۔
3. dope [ Synonyms: low-down, poop, the skinny]
Slang terms for inside information
"is that the straight dope?";
Verb: dope
1. dope
Add impurities to (a semiconductor) in order to produce or modify its properties
"The resistors have been doped";
2. dope [ Synonyms: dope up]
Give a narcotic to
"The athletes were dope by the coach before the race";

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December 22, 2024
- any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action
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