Famous Quotations by Zig Ziglar

7 quotations found
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Mark Twain, Zig Ziglar, Confucius, Denis Waitley, C S Lewis, Winston Churchill, Ralph Waldo Emerson   ... [Show All]

Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful.
— Zig Ziglar
Topic: Adversity

Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.
— Zig Ziglar
Topic: Business

If you want to reach a goal, you must 'see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
— Zig Ziglar
Topic: Goals

A goal properly set is halfway reached.
— Zig Ziglar
Topic: Goals

Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life - all areas of life. The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity.
— Zig Ziglar
Topic: Integrity

The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.
— Zig Ziglar
Topic: Integrity

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. - That's why I recommend it daily.
— Zig Ziglar

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