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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
flat Urdu meaning
Verb Forms: (flat, flatted, flattingAdjectives: (flatter,flattest)

Adjective: flat
1. flat [ Synonyms: level, plane]
Having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another
"a flat desk"; "acres of level farmland"; "a plane surface"; "skirts sewn with fine flat seams";
برابر ۔
بلکل سیدھا ۔
2. flat
Having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness
"flat computer monitors";
3. flat [ Synonyms: categoric, categorical, unconditional]
Not modified or restricted by reservations
"a categorical denial"; "a flat refusal";
صاف طور پر ۔
واضح ۔
4. flat [ Synonyms: prostrate]
Stretched out and lying at full length along the ground
"found himself lying flat on the floor";
5. flat [ Synonyms: compressed]
Flattened laterally along the whole length (e.g., certain leafstalks or flatfishes)
6. flat [ Synonyms: bland, flavorless, flavourless, insipid, savorless, savourless, vapid]
Lacking taste or flavor or tang
"a bland diet"; "insipid hospital food"; "flavorless supermarket tomatoes"; "vapid beer"; "vapid tea";
بدمزا ۔
بد مزہ ۔
بے ذائقہ ۔
بے لطف ۔
بے مزہ ۔
7. flat [ Synonyms: bland]
Lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting
"a bland little drama"; "a flat joke";
بکواس ۔
بے تکا ۔
8. flat
Having lost effervescence
"flat beer"; "a flat cola";
9. flat [ Synonyms: monotone, monotonic, monotonous]
Sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch
"the owl's faint monotonous hooting";
مستقل ایک جیسی آواز ۔
10. flat
Horizontally level
"a flat roof";
11. flat [ Synonyms: 2-dimensional, two-dimensional]
Lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth
"a film with two-dimensional characters"; "a flat two-dimensional painting";
12. flat [ Synonyms: mat, matt, matte, matted]
Not reflecting light; not glossy
"flat wall paint"; "a photograph with a matte finish";
13. flat
Commercially inactive
"flat sales for the month"; "prices remained flat"; "a flat market";
14. flat
Lacking contrast or shading between tones
15. flat
(of a musical note) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone
"B flat";
Noun: flat
1. flat
A level tract of land
"the salt flats of Utah";
2. flat
A shallow box in which seedlings are started
3. flat
A musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named
4. flat [ Synonyms: flatbed, flatcar]
Freight car without permanent sides or roof
کھُلی ریل گاڑی۔
5. flat [ Synonyms: flat tire]
A deflated pneumatic tire
6. flat
Scenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas; part of a stage setting
7. flat [ Synonyms: apartment]
A suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
رہنے کی جگہ ۔
فلیٹ ۔
Adverb: flat
1. flat
With flat sails
"sail flat against the wind";
2. flat [ Synonyms: directly, straight]
In a forthright manner; candidly or frankly
"he didn't answer directly"; "told me straight out"; "came out flat for less work and more pay";

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