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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Mat Urdu meaning
Mat Urdu meaning
Mat Urdu meaning
Mat Urdu meaning
Mat Urdu meaning
Verb Forms: (Mat, matted, matting)

Adjective: Mat
1. Mat [ Synonyms: flat, matt, matte, matted]
Not reflecting light; not glossy
"flat wall paint"; "a photograph with a matte finish";
Noun: Mat
1. Mat
A thick flat pad used as a floor covering
2. Mat [ Synonyms: matting]
Mounting consisting of a border or background for a picture
چٹائی ،ٹاٹ،۔
3. Mat [ Synonyms: gym mat]
Sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastic sports
4. Mat
A mass that is densely tangled or interwoven
"a mat of weeds and grass";
5. Mat [ Synonyms: flatness, lusterlessness, lustrelessness, matt, matte]
The property of having little or no contrast; lacking highlights or gloss
6. Mat [ Synonyms: raft, raft foundation]
A foundation (usually on soft ground) consisting of an extended layer of reinforced concrete
7. Mat
A small pad of material that is used to protect surface from an object placed on it
Verb: Mat
1. Mat [ Synonyms: entangle, snarl, tangle]
Twist together or entwine into a confusing mass
"The child entangled the cord";
رسی وغیرہ کو گرہ در گرہ کر دینا۔
2. Mat [ Synonyms: felt, felt up, mat up, matt-up, matte, matte up]
Change texture so as to become matted and felt-like
"The fabric felted up after several washes";
کسی چیز کی ہیت تبدیل کرنا۔

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- move with or as if with a rushing sound
زناٹے سے گزر جانا
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