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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: flatness
1. flatness [ Synonyms: planeness, two-dimensionality]
The property of having two dimensions
2. flatness
A want of animation or brilliance
"the almost self-conscious flatness of Hemingway's style";
3. flatness
A deficiency in flavor
"it needed lemon juice to sharpen the flatness of the dried lentils";
4. flatness [ Synonyms: lusterlessness, lustrelessness, mat, matt, matte]
The property of having little or no contrast; lacking highlights or gloss
5. flatness [ Synonyms: languor, lethargy, phlegm, sluggishness]
Inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy
"the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends";

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