1. graze | |
A superficial abrasion
2. graze [ Synonyms: grazing] | |
The act of grazing
سبزہ والی زمین۔ |
1. graze [ Synonyms: browse, crop, pasture, range] | |
Feed as in a meadow or pasture
"the herd was grazing";
اگتی ہوئی گھاس پر مویشیوں کو چروانا۔ چرنا۔ |
2. graze | |
Break the skin (of a body part) by scraping
"She was grazed by the stray bullet";
رگڑ لگنا۔ خراش لگنا۔ |
3. graze [ Synonyms: crop, pasture] | |
Let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
4. graze [ Synonyms: crease, rake] | |
Scrape gently
"graze the skin";
ہلکے سے کھرچنا۔ |
5. graze [ Synonyms: browse] | |
Eat lightly, try different dishes
"There was so much food at the party that we quickly got sated just by browsing";
مختلف کھانے کھانا اور آرام سے کھانا۔ چکھنا۔ |
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