1. shave [ Synonyms: shaving] | |
The act of removing hair with a razor
شیو کرنا۔ استرے سے داڑھی بنانا۔ ڈاڑھی منڈوائی۔ |
1. shave | |
Remove body hair with a razor
استرے سے بال صاف کرنا۔ |
2. shave [ Synonyms: trim] | |
Cut closely
"trim my beard";
تراشنا۔ کاٹنا۔ |
3. shave [ Synonyms: knock off] | |
Cut the price of
کاٹنا۔ |
4. shave [ Synonyms: plane] | |
Cut or remove with or as if with a plane
"The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood";
5. shave | |
Make shavings of or reduce to shavings
"shave the radish";
6. shave | |
Touch the surface of lightly
"His back shaved the counter in passing";
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