1. gush [ Synonyms: flush, outpouring] | |
A sudden rapid flow (as of water)
"he heard the flush of a toilet"; "there was a little gush of blood"; "she attacked him with an outpouring of words";
تیزی سے پانی بہا نا۔ اچانک پانی کا بہنا۔ |
2. gush [ Synonyms: blowup, ebullition, effusion, outburst] | |
An unrestrained expression of emotion
جوش۔ اظہار جذبات۔ ابال۔ |
1. gush [ Synonyms: spirt, spout, spurt] | |
Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet
"water gushed forth";
2. gush [ Synonyms: rave] | |
Praise enthusiastically
"She raved about that new restaurant";
تعریف کرنا۔ |
3. gush [ Synonyms: jet] | |
Issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth
"Water jetted forth"; "flames were jetting out of the building";
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