1. inviolable [ Synonyms: impregnable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable] | |
Immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
"an impregnable fortress"; "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"; "a secure telephone connection";
جس پر حملہ نہ ہو سکے۔ محفوظ۔ ناقابل تسخیر۔ |
2. inviolable [ Synonyms: inviolate, sacrosanct] | |
Must be kept sacred
برقرار رکھنا۔ واجب العمل۔ قابل حرمت۔ مستحکم رکھنا۔ متبرک۔ |
3. inviolable [ Synonyms: absolute, infrangible] | |
Not capable of being violated or infringed
"infrangible human rights";
ناقابل فسخ۔ ہمہ گیر۔ |
4. inviolable | |
Incapable of being transgressed or dishonored
"the person of the king is inviolable"; "an inviolable oath";
عمل جس سے مکرا نہ جا سکے۔ |
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