1. unassailable [ Synonyms: impregnable, inviolable, secure, strong, unattackable] | |
Immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
"an impregnable fortress"; "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"; "a secure telephone connection";
جس پر حملہ نہ ہو سکے۔ محفوظ۔ ناقابل تسخیر۔ |
2. unassailable [ Synonyms: untouchable] | |
Impossible to assail
3. unassailable [ Synonyms: bulletproof, unshakable, watertight] | |
Without flaws or loopholes
"an ironclad contract"; "a watertight alibi"; "a bulletproof argument";
بغیر خرابی کے۔ بے نقص۔ |
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